i only meant to do a simple post. yet i found myself entrapped in the world of blogging again. 1.5 hrs into giving my blog a "new-er" look. my simple post is still in queue...
this being 2007 and all~ i do hope tt the new-er look will tear off the cobwebs & wipe off all the dust collected over time...
there's been a big gap from 26 Nov 2006 til now (14 Jan 2007). i wish i could fill u in on the thriller ride I sat with God in Taiwan. those on my prayer mailing list - you got the juicy bits. those tt weren't: sorry, there's no discrimination here k. forgive me if i left u out... believe me, it's unintentional.
in short, Taiwan was a really awesome time when God opened my eyes to see what He's doing in other parts of the world. It stretched my horizons beyond me, myself and I. Not just that, it's beyond the community I serve, beyond the nations I'm more than a visitor to. The verse "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few" (Matt 9:37) rings even louder and clearer and hence, there's a sense of urgency in "Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." (Matt 9:38)
Prayer. I must confess I'm not the most fervent and faithful pray-er for missionaries. Not having met them before nor knowing them personally simply meant that the burden wasn't really strong. Having lived with the OMF TW missionaries, having spent Christmas with them, all these opened up another dimension of praying for missionaries. It's like you're praying for ur own friends. You know them. You've worked with them before. Being in the field with them, even for a little while, and with the increased understanding of what they're doing in TW amidst the working class, increased the awareness of the reality of spiritual warfare - the unseen battle that is easily forgotten and neglected by many. Hence, the need of spiritual weapons (Eph 6) and above all, PRAYERS.
Do this little exercise with me. Take a deep breathe. Close your eyes and count 1 to 10 on a 1 count per second tempo.
What's this 10s to you? A short time?
What's this 10s to you in say... 2 weeks? ("Oh boy, how many 10s i spend a day day-dreaming anyway~")
DO join us in this spiritual warfare - PRAY for Taiwan! it's just 10s in 2 weeks.
1. Send an email to:
2. write "pray" in the subject line
3. in the body write the email addresses where u want to receive regular prayer updates.
only this process takes more than 10s. after that, it's only 10s. every 2 weeks.
(c'mon, u spend multiple 10s reading my blogs anyway...)
I did struggle with re-entry "culture shock". Feel free to ask me for more details. (Sneak preview: how God ministered to me and erm... how I'm currently feeling now...)
OK. it's 2am (M'sian time). church's in 6 hrs. I really *should* go to bed - after I finished my "simple post" tt's been in queue for 2 hrs now...
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