Isaiah 41:13 (NKJV)

For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, "Fear not, I will help you."

Friday, November 30, 2007

culture shock

i have always associated "shock" with something really vigorous, like maybe an electric shock (u know, the vigorous shaking perhaps only seen in cartoons). so when culture shock was first suggested to me recently, the idea received an instantaneous nonchalant dismissal.

but somewhere in my mind surfaced the whole list and description of culture shock symptoms - things to look out for in our mentees (Otago International Mentor Programme training) as they make transitions to a new environment.

it's not the shock i had in mind. without the visible vigorous effects of an electric shock, often unrecognized and dismissed.

if u ask me, it's like longer-term extended pms.

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