Isaiah 41:13 (NKJV)

For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, "Fear not, I will help you."

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Martha-ing again

sigh. I always catch myself Martha-ing.

Lord, Mary-nize me!




I'm quite ready to take a 5-day break from the weekend.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

it's Friday!

And my weekend has started! Wooo-hoooo~

I'm actually rather tired, and am on my way to bed. Most of the time when I go to bed, I just fall asleep as I am. Neutral. Tired.

Tonight, tired as I am, I suspect I'm going to fall asleep smiling. =)

Monday, May 04, 2009

First Day Jitters

"Butterflies! Butterflies! Butterflies!
Calm down! Be still! and be no more..."

ugh. I only know too well that in less than 19 hours' time, I'd heave a sigh of relief, be filled with a surge of thankfulness and laugh at my own silliness.

where God alone can go

Passage: Psalm 42

Hopelessness of this magnitude "happens in that part of people where God alone can go... that Christ was once dead reminds us that the forces of evil are strong; dark despair can overcome us in that place where the battle between hope and disillusionment is waged."(1)

When Elijah was in that place, he was powerless to change it; it was God who took the initiative. Similarly, the two disciples wearily walking the road to Emmaus could do nothing to ease their sense of God-abandonment. It was the One who was broken on the cross and who offered them the broken bread that did this. So it is for us.

"Hope in God - in the Word made flesh, in the God who wept in the Gethsemane and who became God-forsaken on Calvary, in the God who comes to you incognito on the road, who comes as light and truth... who makes himself known in the breaking of the bread. Hope in this God and you will again praise him, your help and your God." (2)

(1) M Maggay, Reflections on the Kingdom of Politics, ISACC, Manila, 2004, p146
(2) NT Wright, The Challenge of Jesus, SPCK, 2000, p167

from "Encounter with God" 3 May: Dark Night of the Soul

The initiative has been taken.
God has made Himself known.
The bread has been broken...
and has also been offered.

To you.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Each for the Other

I like the title.

It's meant for these friends who got married recently but I thought I should check it out first. One chapter led to the next and before I knew it, the book never got into the hands of the friends it was intended for. Ah well~ I'll never run out of friends getting married =)

Friday, May 01, 2009

Labour Day

It's May!

I felt like telling the person collecting toll fees today that she deserves a good break so she shouldn't work on Labour Day. Pack up and go have fun! Just remember to leave the metal bar (what's the proper term for it?) up.

Can't believe my holiday is almost over. yikes! I think while it's still holiday season for me, I should give myself the privilege to choose to drop everything and go pick up my book.

By the way, Evangel's having a sale until May 16! Go check it out.