Isaiah 41:13 (NKJV)

For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, "Fear not, I will help you."

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

bed rest

"woman, u remind me of those patients that like to wander around the hospital or try to escape all the time even though they were specifically ordered bed rest by the doctor. tsk tsk. "

Yest morn I woke up with my bones aching all over. I felt like an old granny eh. Cancelled all appointments for the day. I din think it was anything serious. Until I slept til I couldn't sleep anymore, just to take some medicine and wait for the medicine to take effect and knock me off again. In total, I was awake for no more than 5 hours yesterday...

I'm feeling much fresher today. After sleeping half the day away. Already the "stuck at home" feeling is getting into me. and it's only been 1 day! i'm itching to get out. got mum to bring me to pasar malam at air panas market last night though my body wasn't really up to it. imagine me in a jacket in KL! gosh. i'd prefer mum to bring me for a night drive though, into the city of KL. I'm always attracted to the night lights. plus i'd rather not walk last night. old bones.

so, is this the sorta rest i'm supposed to be taking? hmmmm. suddenly it feels like i've forgotten how to really rest. wat's rest? how does one rest? does sleeping and being confined in bed all day count as rest? can't rest be more constructive? like a good book in a sbux comfy couch? or maybe i've never really know how to rest in the first place...

Lord, is this the kinda bed rest You have in mind?

may I find my rest in You...

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