Isaiah 41:13 (NKJV)

For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, "Fear not, I will help you."

Monday, July 19, 2010

Empty words or genuine desire?

Daily Breakthrough by Rod Parsley

Pursuit Is Proof


As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. Psalm 42:1

I told a friend of mine one time that I would love to play the piano like he did. He replied, "No you wouldn't. If you really wanted to play the piano you would be taking lessons and practicing every chance you could. Are you doing those things?"

Well, no, I wasn't. If I really wanted to play the piano I would have been taking some action and making some plans instead of just talking about it. When you really want something, you pursue it with your whole heart.

You say that you want the things of God, you want to operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and you want to have an anointing on your life—but are you pursuing Him? Are you climbing the mountain of God and, like Jacob, refusing to let go until He blesses you? When was the last time you spent time in prayer and in the Word?

Pursue Him with all your might. The proof of your desire is in your pursuit. The pursuit of God will lead to holiness, purity, passion, zeal, and power in your life.

Read more:



"Experiencing God is like riding a roller coaster that never ends but gets better with each curve. He smiles with delight and enjoyment when He gazes on each one of us." -Mike Bickle

I've been prompted to REMEMBER - different parts of the journey, different scenes of the movie starring God and me, other characters that come and go, some disappear, some remain.

"Experiencing God is like riding a roller coaster that never ends"

most of the time we remember the downs more than the ups. many times we're so caught up with now, we don't remember yesterday. But as I allowed myself to be brought down memory lane, what was came back to mind and I am filled with thankfulness, to the point of tears. Kinda taken aback by the tears, which sprang out without any prior warning, triggered by an sms received @ 2am, read @ 4am. Tears, no longer of despair and sorrow, but tears of gratitude, tears which reminded me of His unfailing love, His goodness and His faithfulness - which build another layer of foundation for the challenges of tomorrow.

"but gets better with each curve"

Sometimes I'm afraid of the uphills - for fear that it leads to another deeper downhill. But really, I need a perspective change - I need to see that the downhills are preparation for the uphills, not the other way round. And no downhills are unnecessary. Yes, it gets better with each curve, and when I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, I just need to tell myself through gritted teeth that it's there whether I see it or not, and even if it takes forever to get there, I will get there.

"He smiles with delight and enjoyment when He gazes on each one of us."

The image of Christ gazing on His bride, the Church has been on my mind a lot lately. I find myself enjoying weddings these days - they're a foreshadow of the day He presents us to Himself as the radiant bride. & the smile, bursting forth with such great joy, on the bride's face is an indication of what it's meant to be when we really get to know Him. Ahhh... such is the treasure of the sheer joy and pleasure of knowing Him.

Friday, July 09, 2010

green pastures. a hut. a stream/waterfall. a cow.

Beautiful relaxing image ain't it? I could almost lie down on the grass, hear the water flowing, feel the breeze against my cheek.

Except that reality couldn't be more different - pounding head, tensed shoulders, congested air passageway. signs of stress? maybe.

"you never write about happy days"

true. there were happy days. lots too. ok days are good as well. and in spite of everything, today's a good day!

and now I shall head for green pastures, where there's a hut, a stream/waterfall. and a cow. hmmmm... medium rare? ;p